Discover Lost City Colombia with local guides

Discover Lost City and all the knowledge of our local guides. Lost City, is a unique place, full of culture and spiritual charm. Different indigenous peoples live in this place, who are considered our older brothers. They invite us to preserve and conserve our environment and to value our mother earth has to offer us.

In Ciudad Perdida, you can explore, contemplate, enjoy nature, archeology, and culture through great stories. The ones in charge of transmitting all this to the people who visit it are the local guides. The local guides of Ciudad Perdida are mostly peasant, they have a lot of knowledge and love for the place. Today we will introduce you to the story of José Aguilar.

You should read: Visit Ciudad Perdida Colombia with Walter Hinojosa

Who is Jose Aguilar the local guide to Ciudad Perdida?

José is a very loving person with his family, he lives with his wife and children. He has been working as a tour guide for 30 years. First, he started guiding Tayrona Park. Shortly afterward he made his first trip to the Lost City as a cook. He claims to have a passion for nature. He also feels very fortunate to have the opportunity to work in a natural environment. Also live in contact with nature, since much of his life has been spent there.

One of the things José most enjoys being a guide is that the people who visit Ciudad Perdida have the opportunity to get to know the most representative of the flora and fauna of the Sierra Nevada. Contact with the environment, vegetation, rivers, and mountains is a memorable experience for all who live it.

One of the main reasons why he decided to be a guide was to be able to exchange his customs and ours with visitors. Learn from them and them from us. I realized that I have good empathy to share with others: José says.

 Knowledge acquired by indigenous people

One of José’s strongest knowledge is knowing about indigenous groups and their customs. For many years he has dedicated himself to knowing and learning more about the culture of the indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada. During his tour guide, he likes to put a lot of emphasis on the knowledge and customs of the indigenous people.

Discover Lost City and the Indigenous knowledge, their spiritual connection, and the ecosystem. 

One of the things that José loves to show and tell during his tour guide, is how the indigenous people make their bags. By living with the indigenous people, he has learned how to do it.

He explains to us: to make the backpacks, they use the fique or maguey plant. They choose the leaves that are old enough and then use a chonta palm tool to extract the fibers. ⁣⁣ To add colors to the backpacks they also do it naturally through roots, seeds, tubers, etc. ⁣⁣After this, the women are in charge of spinning them.

Everyone should know Ciudad Perdida, a magical place full of history that is difficult to tell, it is better to live the experience. The landscapes and the proximity to the communities and their culture are very enriching for visitors.

You should read: Visit Ciudad Perdida a tourism treasury to discover.

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Author: Carolina Zabala

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