Get ready for the 2024 Sea Festival in Santa Marta, one of the biggest celebrations in the capital of Magdalena! With 65 years of history, it’s gearing up to commemorate the city’s 499th anniversary. The festivities will take place from July 26th to 29th. Locals, national, and international visitors can enjoy various activities, including food,

4 places to visit near Santa Marta. Santa Marta is a beautiful city with a lot to visit. But, especially in its surroundings you can discover many beautiful places, full of nature and culture. In this blog we present you some places to visit near Santa Marta that you can’t miss.  Lost City:  One of

In this blog, you will discover the fascinating beauty of the beaches of Santa Marta. A tropical destination located on the northern coast of Colombia. With its year-round warm weather, crystal clear waters and rich marine biodiversity, Santa Marta has become a paradise for sun and beach lovers thanks to its wide variety of beaches

In this blog we present things to do in Santa Marta and recommendations of hotels, hostels and restaurants. Santa Marta is a naturally magical city. Here you can live unforgettable experiences. Whether you love nature, the beach, the mountains or just looking for a place to relax, in Santa Marta you can find a little

How is the Lost City Tour?. This wonderful trekking located in the city of Santa Marta in Colombia, is one of the most incredible trekking to visit in all South America, the landscapes, the nature and the indigenous culture that is there, are just some of the reasons to visit it.  But being one of the